Chinese banking regulators issue warning against NFTs

Chinese banking regulators issue warning against NFTs

Three Chinese banking supervisors have issued a warning against non-fungible tokens (NFTs) at a time when the industry is booming worldwide.  Recognizing that NFTs are an innovative application of blockchain technology that can enrich the digital economy, three observers warned that they could potentially be used for money laundering, speculation and illegal financial activities. Regulators have indicated...

binance smart chain nft marketplace

Binance Smart Chain NFT Marketplace – Best NFT Marketplace

The Binance NFT Marketplace The Binance Smart chain is a cryptocurrency that features a decentralized marketplace for non-fungible tokens. It is compatible with the Binance Smart chain. NFTs can be exchanged with buyers and are offered for sale or set to earn. It is also suitable for exchange between traders and investors. The NFTs created with...

best nft to invest in polygon punks

Best NFT To Invest in Polygon Punks

If you've been following the NFT hype on the crypto market, then you probably want to invest in PolygonPunks. The collectible coins have a rich history and are worth millions of dollars. They also have a lot of potentials. But which NFTs are the best to invest in? Here are some tips to help you...

Christie's NFT Sale, Success of the NFT

Christie’s NFT Sale, Success of the NFT!

The world of NFTs has taken an unprecedented leap forward in the past year, and Christie's is at the forefront of that change. Bringing their newest art form to the UK, the auction house will offer a lot of digital and traditional works of art, including the world's first purely digital work by Crypto Collector...

Success of The NFT Crypto Art Market

Success of The NFT Crypto Art Market

The popularity of crypto art has recently skyrocketed, and the rise of NFTs is a great example. These tradable digital certificates verify the ownership of a particular digital asset. In recent months, NFTs have dominated the media, and the $69 million sales of Beeples every day: The First 5000 Days is the epitome of media...

Fungible Vs Non Fungible Tokens

Fungible Vs Non Fungible Tokens

Token standards are essential for decentralized applications. Tokens must interact seamlessly with one another to support a healthy ecosystem. However, different tokens have slightly different innovative contract structures. Developers must study how these different types of tokens interact with one another before creating a decentralized app. Here are some examples of how they differ. Listed below...